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Measuring the Impact of Asian Games 2018

The Asian Games is the biggest multi-sport event in Asia, gathering athletes from 45 countries every four years, with more than 450 matches. In 2018, the games took place in several locations in Indonesia. The following case study looks at the challenges the government of Indonesia was facing to measure the socio-economic impact of the event, and how mobile positioning data (MPD) turned out to be the right solution for them.

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Timely Mobility Monitoring During the COVID-19 Crisis While Respecting the Fundamental Principles of Statistics

It was the start of 2020. The pandemic raised its head. International travel created the conditions for the spread of COVID-19. So travel stopped. The pandemic became a domestic problem that needed to be dealt with, and fast. Many people across different fields suddenly found themselves in a situation where they were asked to do something seemingly impossible.
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Paving the Way with Data-Driven City Planning: Smart City Solutions from Estonia

Making cities more sustainable, liveable and inclusive is an urgent task as two thirds of the world’s population is expected to live in urban areas by 2030. We are living in the age of information and communication technology – every day we are generating and taking advantage of the big data available using navigation apps, shopping online or using transport and logistics services. What is more, countries and cities can make more informed decisions based on data. One great example is Estonia where cities strive to be smart not only in solutions but in the way of thinking. Estonia’s data-driven urban environments will be showcased at the Dubai Expo 2020 from 9 to 13 January.

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