Building resilient communities with BuildERS

The BuildERS project aims to identify vulnerable groups and find innovative ways to help these groups in disaster situations, thus building the resilience of communities. Positium has been working with the Estonian Rescue Board and the University of Tartu on finding solutions to improve responses during disasters, such as volcanic eruptions, storms, or cyber attacks. The aim of our sub-project was to find out if and how MPD can be used for disaster management in Estonia and Indonesia.

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Applying MPD in COVID-19 mitigation in Estonia

When the COVID-19 emergency situation was established in Estonia by a government decision on March 12, 2020, several movement restrictions were imposed and the public debated whether there must be a data-driven decision-making process, relying on mobile operator data. Three mobile network operators, Positium and the Statistics Office were tasked by the Estonian government to provide essential mobility information – how has people’s mobility changed during the emergency situation. Based on the work, decisions were taken on how to improve mobility restriction enforcement in some areas.

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