
If Positium would be compared to the Moomin family then everyone here knows who would get the role for Little My... Colleagues have described her as “a passionate fireball who will do anything for the sake of the team and the company. She will stand up for her teammates, she will see her projects through to their fruitful completion, and she will also make sure that our company keeps progressing in the right direction.” Today we will be introducing our Head of Operations, the one and only - Gerttu! Also known as Head of Excellence, above-mentioned Little My, or just Tank.

Photo: private collection

Gerttu is a graduate of the University of Tartu: she studied economics and business administration on the Bachelor’s, and entrepreneurship and technology management on Master’s level. Since her second year at the university she has worked in different positions, starting as an intern, continuing as a consultant, writing funding proposals for several companies (from demolishing old barns to building new innovative heating systems). She has also worked as an analyst and project manager with various topics and people. But how did she find her way to Positium?

Actually, Gerttu knew about Positium and the team years before she started working here. Previously she worked at Estonian Smart City Cluster and Positium was one of their partner companies. Already back then they had similar goals: trying to figure out smart solutions for cities and citizens around the world. “My previous contract was about to end, Positium was looking for a project manager and, well, here I am,” Gerttu laughs.

“When working with mobile positioning data, one can be sure that it’s never boring!”

Now it has been three years since Gerttu was hired as our very first dedicated project manager. “Thinking back to that time makes me laugh sometimes. You would assume that everything is ready, processes already in place. But the beauty of a growing company is that I still have the opportunity to contribute to the design of these processes and create something we can all be proud of,” Gerttu reflects.

If she had to pick the most interesting challenge in her job, she would say that it is to figure out the right thing to do, be it for the team, internal processes, client communication or strategical discussions. She likes asking the questions “why?” and “how?” a lot and also enjoys the journey to the answers. She strongly believes in learning while doing, not figuring everything out at once, but starting from somewhere, making mistakes and being better tomorrow. “When working with mobile positioning data, one can be sure that it’s never boring!” Gerttu exclaims.
Photo: private collection

In her free time, Gerttu indulges in her great passion for travelling. In 2020, she took her first ever holiday without having flight tickets in her pocket (because of the pandemic). The fact that she has been to 52 countries says a lot! Gerttu explains: “It’s amazing how every new place can still offer something interesting: nature, food, people, adventures etc.” Besides travelling she likes going on adventures with her puppy Leia and participating in the ultimate challenge “who is more consistent/stubborn”.

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