Next up in our #MeetTheTeam series, you will meet an expert who is passionate about sustainable and smart transport. Marek Rannala develops and manages projects at Positium, and leads consulting in mobility and transportation. Holistic approaches and improving transportation systems characterise his day-to-day work.

Marek joined our team about a year ago, but his history with the company goes back nearly a decade. “I was a demanding client and partner of Positium for 10 years, starting from the very first MPD-based transportation studies made in Estonia. These were unique also on the global scale,” he reminisces. With a background in road engineering, he taught urban traffic management at TalTech, which lead to a discovery that changed his perspective of traffic planning. “I soon realised that dealing separately with “traffic” is a fundamentally wrong approach. People don’t need cars, junctions and tunnels - they need to get from place to place, and the way they move is directly connected to everyone's living environment and quality of life. And Positium is all about understanding how people move,” he explains.  

Now, working in the Positium family, Marek has learned the true potential of MPD and mobility studies: “We can provide a lot more useful knowledge about mobility patterns compared to what we are doing now.” He enjoys tackling problems, like bringing the ideas we have to life as working MPD solutions that fit the clients’ needs. When planning a project or solution, Marek is someone who appreciates a good pen-and-paper brainstorm to connect the dots.

In his spare time, he loves spending time with his family. He considers physical well-being to be important for being mentally in shape, which is why he regularly exercises and practices yoga. Marek can most often be spotted with his trusty bike, cycling to his destinations all year round. His passion for smart solutions seems to shine through even when cycling - you can see him and his foldable bicycle at our office, at client meetings, on the train, etc. He admits his pet peeves include ignorance and incompetence, saying that these are things which he has found himself avoiding. Marek keeps healthy and mindful living at the core of his daily life.

Stay tuned for more posts about our team in the upcoming year! In the meantime, you can subscribe to our quarterly newsletter and stay in touch on Twitter!

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