Behind every great business… is an excellent office manager. In our second post of the Meet The Team series, we want to introduce our Office Admin, Helen. This bright-eyed woman keeps our gears turning with flair and finesse. Read more about her and what she does at Positium.

Helen comes from a small town in Viljandi County. However, she soon changed the quiet rural scenery to life in the “big city”. She earned her high school diploma in Tartu, followed by a university degree in English language and literature, later majoring in written translation. At Positium, Helen works behind the scenes, running the administrative side of things. From organising official visits and business trips to proof-reading draft agreements to taking care of the working environment at the office – she does it all. Her work keeps Positium running like a well-oiled machine.  

“Positium is a one-of-a-kind company that has a major role to play in the exciting world of mobile positioning. I wanted to play a part in that world, too, and the timing was just right for it,” says Helen about why she decided to join the Positium family. After spending some time travelling and working in Australia, she found her way back to Estonia, looking for new challenges. To our luck!  

Helen describes her everyday work life as a constant learning experience: “I’ve learned countless things. I think most of them can be summed up under the tagline ‘Expect the unexpected’. My job is definitely not boring, but keeps me on my toes. That’s what I like about it.” She brings to the table her unique skills and experience. A true office superwoman. “And I’ve upgraded my multitasking skills to a whole new level,” Helen laughs. A woman like an orchestra, as they say.  

After a busy day at the office, it’s important to take some time off. Helen is adamant about keeping work and private life separate. When she leaves the office, she doesn’t take any work along with her (a good tip for everyone!). In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her friends, be it at a cosy cafe with a cup of coffee or in a boat on the river with an oar in hand. And of course, nothing beats an adventure to a new place.  

“To counterbalance all those hours spent sitting behind my desk staring at a screen, I also try to attend fitness classes as often as possible,” says Helen. Her biggest pet peeve is incorrect language use: “Since I have a background in written translation, I can be quite the Grammar Nazi.” Surely none of the team has escaped getting their grammar corrected – but it’s all in good fun. “I hope my colleagues can still appreciate it,” she adds, laughing.

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